RYS Spring Signups

RYS Spring signups for children up to 6th grade: Richfield Youth Sports is signing up children for T-ball, Softball, and Baseball during RYS basketball home games at Richfield Springs School elementary gym on these Saturdays:    Jan 26, 2019   Read More …

RYS Spring Signups

RYS Spring signups for children up to 6th grade: Richfield Youth Sports is signing up children for T-ball, Softball, and Baseball during RYS basketball home games at Richfield Springs School elementary gym on these Saturdays:    Jan 26, 2019   Read More …

Lions Club Winter Festival Diner

Lions Club Winter Festival Diner Richfield Springs Central School Cafeteria January 24, 2019 The Richfield Springs Community Center Bake Sale will be held in the hallway outside the cafeteria

RYS Annual Golf Tournament

Richfield Youth Sports Annual Golf Tournament will be held at Meadowlinks Golf Course on Saturday, June 15, 2019

RYS BBQ at Aubuchons

Richfield Youth Sports Memorial Day BBQ will be held Sunday, May 26th and Monday, May 27th at Aubuchon Hardware!

Crock-Pot Contest

Open to public to bring their favorite crock-pot dish. Free to enter, $3.00 to taste. 50/50, Basket Raffle, Chinese Auction, & Bake Sale Sponsored by American Legion Aux. Call 858-2708 for information.